Spring AM HANG 🌷


Editor & owner

Family Mairhofer
Raffeinweg 28a
39010 Tscherms (BZ)
South Tyrol / Italy
T +39 333 998 8278

MwSt-Nr. 02481500219
CIN IT021020B5M4XM3EZ6

Design, Programming & CMS

d. Pircher Stefan
Laugengasse 24
I-39011 Lana (BZ)
M +39 333 3914367


Family Mairhofer

Pictures & image sources

Family Mairhofer
Pictures surroundings: IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Manuel Ferrigato, IDM/Südtiroler Apfelkonsortium/Alex Filz

Notes & Limitation of liability

We have carefully checked all the information and contents on this website. Despite thorough control, we do not give any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, completeness and currentness of the data. The same applies to all the other websites linked by hyperlinks. Apartment am Hang is not responsable for the content of external websites accessed by hyperlinks. We reserve the right to make updates, changes or amendments to the provided information and data.


Concept, structure and content of this website are all copyright of Apartment am Hang. Any reproduction of information or data, especially the use of texts (whether in whole or in part) or illustrations requires the prior approval of Apartment am Hang.


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